Si comunica che sul sito federale, Sezioni–> Seniores troverete la legenda dei turni di gioco con giorni e orari, e file con i dettagli dei partecipanti/formazioni.
Sezione seniores:
Dear friends,
with one week left until the Opening Ceremony of the ESBC 2022, this is a reminder, update and additional information for the preparation of you and your bowlers:
Please be aware that whenever using public transport in Berlin, all persons aged 14 and above will still be required to wear a FFP2 mask without a ventilation valve or equivalent (e.g. KN95 mask). Only children up to 13 years of age can wear a medical mask instead. More details are available at and
After some requests for changes please find attached the final list where and when the welcome material for each member of your delegation will be provided individually. Please be aware that it needs to picked up by each player or guest personally and that all players need to show their passport for the control of nationality and age.
After some late cancellations and changes had been announced, we have updated the squad assignments at You have been informed already in case of any changes for your bowlers, but of course you should better double-check. I have also attached the updated lists for your information as Captains only. Again: please do not forward them and do not publish them at any website as they contain some sensitive information.
Please pay attention to the attached information regarding the handling and transportation of bowling balls at arrival and during the event.
We look forward to seeing you next week!
Best regards on behalf of the
ESBC 2022 Organizing Committee
Florian Fister
German Bowling Federation